Syma S026 HelicoptersRadio Controlled Models |
Hints, Tips and Information |
Servos for RC Models
All Radio Controlled models need servos to control speed and direction. Choosing the right servo for each operation depends on a number of factors, including the scale of the model, robustness and response requirements. |
Electric Motors for RC Models
When I first started in RC, one of the most confusing things I had to learn was about Electric Motor Winds and Turns, and Advance and Retard, and the difference they make to the performance of the motor. |
Choosing a Nitro Engine.
Choosing a Nitro Engine for your model can be difficult if you don't know what you are looking for. In this article I explain how the many different Engine types relate to your particular version of RC and point you in the right direction to find the right Engine for you. |
How to Charge Rechargeable Batteries
In the ever changing world of Rechargeable Batteries, this article was written to explain the best methods of charging the different Battery versions and how they should be safely stored or discharged. |
Soldering Battery Packs Safely
Battery Cells are delicate things, and when it comes to Soldering them in series to make up a specific form of pack, there are precautions you need to take to avoid reducing their efficiency or damaging the cells, rendering them useless. |
More Hints and Tips
For more Radio Controlled Model Hints, Tips and Information, check out the list on the RCScrapyard Homepage. ▶ ▶ |
RC Models:
Radio & Motors: |
Accessories: |