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RCScrapyard Radio Controlled Models

Affiliate Disclosure Statement

   Thank you for visiting My son and myself started this site way back in 1999, just before he won the UK TORC Open Class Championship (with my help of course).

   The site was originally a free, hosted by Bizland, just to buy and sell used RC cars and parts for ourselves and our friends, then later as a hobby achieving all the old models people were starting to collect (mainly Tamiya First 100).

   In 2008 we moved to, and took on affiliates to cover the cost.

   Now I'm retired, the site still keeps me out of mischief, and I have moved into listing Manuals.

   Any spare profit the site makes now goes towards purchasing hard to find Manuals, scanning them an putting them out for free on the site.

   Anyway, enough of my rambling, here's the legal bit ...


   In the spirit of full disclosure, we declare that "" is affiliated to Amazon, and Google AdSense.

   This Disclosure is provided to inform visitors to our website, that when you click on any link to "Check Availability" of the items you may be looking for, an Amazon search will be made, and any subsequent purchase you make can result in the owners of this site earning a commission.

   Also, if you click on any of the advertising banners on the site, commission may also be paid to us from Google AdSense.

RC Models:
& Motors: